ALHYDRAN anti-scar cream

ALHYDRAN anti-scar cream

ALHYDRAN anti-scar cream

You are in search of an anti-scar cream. And not just any cream – you want a good one. In fact, the best there is. And why? Because you want to prevent scarring, especially on the visible parts of your body. And most especially on your face.

Our solution: ALHYDRAN. The only anti-scar cream with scientifically proven effectiveness.

Alhydran scar creamEffective on any kind of scar

Scars can have many causes. Acne, pimples and eczema are some of them. More serious causes are operations, cuts and burn wounds. You can use ALHYDRAN on any kind of scar, regardless of the cause. However, please observe the following instructions for use:

  • Only apply scar cream after the wound has healed closed. (And always consult your doctor in the case of serious wounds.)
  • Apply regularly: 3 applications per day are sufficient, thanks to ALHYDRAN’s long-lasting effect. Avoid the sun.
  • Avoid exposure to sunlight– our cream is available with SPF 30, but UV radiation is always harmful.

Scientifically proven effect

Our scar cream has been extensively researched. And the results are crystal clear.


  • Heals and softens scarred skin
  • Prevents or reduces scar formation on wounds
  • Reduces complaints such as pain, itching and skin redness

ALHYDRAN’s effectiveness is due to its ingredients – of which pure, unprocessed aloe vera is the most important. Our cream also contains vitamin E.

It is therefore not surprising that burns centres and hospitals throughout Europe use ALHYDRAN for professional scar care.

Feedback from satisfied users

Our product’s quality does not only speak for itself. It is also borne out by feedback from our users, which we are proud to share with you.

My scar is barely noticeable anymore!

It’s a very good scar cream!! A few months ago I had a surgery for skin cancer in my face. Immediately after the wound was closed and the stitches were removed I started with the ALHYDRAN SPF30, a scar cream with sun protector. I absolutely didn’t want my scar to discolor from the sun! I use it daily, as a day cream. The first month I used the scar cream a few times a day. When I had the feeling my scar would feel really tight or started itching I used the cream as well. Now its almost three months ago and you can barely see the scar!!

Of course the dermatologist also stitched the scar really nice together (the scar is 4cm long). But also thanks to ALHYDRAN it became a scar that is barely noticeable. I keep using it, and I am for the next years really careful with the sun. I can recommend it to everyone.

What I also really like about ALHYDRAN is the website, they inform about what you can and can’t do. They give you an honest advice and a good scar cream for a reasonable price. The cream smears really good, so a 59ml tube is very cost-effective and lasts for a long time. I can recommend it for everyone! It’s a pleasant day cream with a high sun protector. I also have a sensitive skin, but with this cream I have no problems.

– Irine

Scar after breast reduction

After a breast reduction I used various scar creams but non of them gave me the result I was hoping for. On advice of the plastic surgeon I bought ALHYDRAN, and this worked immediately. Now, half a year after the surgery the scars are vague lines. I saw my scars disappear every week a little bit. I am really happy with this scar cream. I use it now and then but not that much anymore.

– Henriëtte

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